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Thursday, September 03, 2009
I'm Live, Your Live, We're OnLive
I was just over on and I read a little article about OnLive. Its supposed to supposedly change the we play videogames. It will be the new age of gaming so to speak. With OnLive you'll be able to play present games and newly released games online via your TV or your PC or laptop. This has, in a sense, been already done via PC/Console online gaming that requires the heavy hardware, physical game, and extra downloading and programming to support it. The nuance feature to OnLive is that you don't need all of that. You simply just download whatever game you want to play and that's it. The service comes with a small modem-like console that you connect to your TV/PC/Laptop along with a controller. That's it. Pretty simple huh? The website suggests that a browser plug-in will be needed for your PC or Mac which is not a big deal. So with a monthly subscription you'll have games on demand at your fingertips. Just yesterday the people at OnLive announced that they were taking submissions for beta testing. I applied when they first announced the service back in March. I think I'll just sit back and let everyone else have a go at it first. The thing I'm worried about is the network lag. I mean your running a whole game online. Its gotta make you wonder if you'll get a decent connection while you're playing. I wouldn't care for it that much if its gonna be skipping and pausing 50% of the time. Another is what you lose your internet connection, like not being able to pay your bill to Comcast or AT&T? If you're smart you still have your Xbox & PS3 in your closet. If the OnLive system is all you have then I guess you'll have to get creative. I suggest playing board games like chess or checkers. Or maybe you could give Sudoku a try. If this works I guess one of the perks would be not having to go to your local game or department store to see what's been released and having to shell out $50 only to find out that the game sucks. It would be a convenience having all the games you want to play right there in front of you ready to play. I don't think that this will single handily change the way games are being played now but it is a step towards the future. To get the full gist of OnLive and what its about check out this video here:
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